
Radhakrishnan (Rad) Mahalikudi) lives in Bangalore, India. He loves his family, friends and his vast collection of movies, books and music, but not necessarily in that order! Rad enjoys a good fruitful discussion on various topics as it gives him an opportunity to listen to other people’s views, and test his thoughts and opinions against theirs, whether strikingly similar or polarising. These discussions are shared over a good hot cup of coffee, and ranges from topics such as world hunger, global warming, world poverty. If he ever runs out of steam with these topics there are always other hot local topics such as freedom of expression, religion and politics.

Recently, Rad decided to dive into the art of blog writing after a good amount of inertia and procrastination. Rad was always good at discussions and had his thoughts on the tip of his tongue, but putting these thoughts to words in an effective manner takes a little more effort and experimenting. For starters there is the art of writing itself – to be able to wield the pen, or in this case a keyboard, in a way that can effectively put one’s thoughts from vocal to written form. Words should flow in a cohesive manner, and make the reader feel as if they were simply listening to Rad at one of their regular coffee and discussion sessions. See, Rad is still learning this form, and there are some speed bumps and learning curves along the way, but he hopes with continued writing and time, he will definitely get better.

– October 22, 2018