On Habits and Efficient Prisons

(Author: Jay Ramalingam) Good old chap Jeremy Bentham, in 1780s England, designed a clever prison building called Panopticon. He designed a prison to reduce the number of guards needed and their salaries. This design did not allow prisoners to know when they were being watched. Prisoners in such situations behaved well even when there were no guards watching. This made prisoners to become their own guards. Does this sound familiar?


COVID-19, WFH, and D & I Reflections

Disclosure: A modified version of this article published within the organization I work for. NOTE: D & I: Diversity and Inclusion, WFH – Work from Home It may be too early to say whether COVID-19 will be viewed as a significant event of 21st century when our future generations look back, but I am sure COVID-19 will be a contender for that spot. It has been more than 6 months