2.0 – an impressive 3D VFX spectacle that would have worked great with better writing

Official Trailer: It is a goosebumps moment as each letter of Super Star rolled in 3D in the title sequence. From the title sequence till the end, 3D worked with effective use of depth and I found 2.0 to be much better than many Hollywood 3D fares. After initial 3D euphoria, I switched to 2D version since with 3D I felt either lighting to be dull or subjects appear smaller


Sabarimala – A rest stop in The Journey or destination

Long Read.   The World has never yet seen a truly great and virtuous nation because in the degradation of woman the very fountains of life are poisoned at their source –       Lucretia Mott, an abolitionist, social reformer What should have ended up as an outstanding statement to the world has become a ground for political vote bank battle. Just imagine, for a second, what a moment it could have


India Growth Story – Progress, Myths, Looking Ahead – 4 of 5

Link to India Growth Story – Progress, Myths, Looking Ahead – 3 of 5 So far, covered Life expectancy, IMR, Child Mortality Rate, Immunization, Maternal Deaths, Birth Rate, Total Fertility Rate, and Population in earlier installments. Let’s take a look at Literacy rate, Access to Electricity, and Gender Parity in this Part. Education and literacy are other key indicators that needs to progress along with health. Literacy rate, adult literacy


Boy Erased – society, parents, prejudice and the boy

Official Trailer: Boy Erased is the second film from Director Joel Edgerton. His first directorial venture, The Gift, was a psychological thriller that had multiple creepy moments. With these two movies I can confidently say Joel is a very good story teller. Boy Erased, adapted from a book, based on true events, takes us through the struggle of a boy and his parents, and how the society reacts around them


Favourite Action Movies: Mad Max: Fury Road

Official Trailer: Mad Max: Fury Road is one of those movies where just saying you liked the movie doesn’t cut it. You got to see it to experience it. I have watched this movie so many times, every viewing I find something new. Post Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Mad Max: Fury Road has raised the bar for action movies; it has set a new benchmark. Similar to T1 & T2,


India Growth Story – Progress, Myths, Looking Ahead – 3 of 5

Link to India Growth Story – Progress, Myths, Looking Ahead – 2 of 5 So far, covered Life expectancy, IMR, Child Mortality Rate, and Immunization Reach in previous parts. Let’s take a look at Maternal Deaths, Birth Rate, Total Fertility Rate, and Population in this third installment. Number of maternal deaths, as per World Bank, refers to the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination


Knife in the gut series – Nagaram – Sujata

Imagine yourself in a new place, where you are not familiar with the local language and culture. A task as simple as ordering food in a restaurant becomes a struggle. While in Suwon, Korea, I did pick a food joint that had pictures in menu card, still it became an ordeal to check the ingredients and get the food I could eat. Only positive thing is I didn’t breakdown similar


Vadachennai – An exciting, gritty, terrifying depiction of gangster world powered by love, betrayal, and violence

[SPOILERS AHEAD…] Official Teaser: We get a Tarantino style opening with 4 guys tossing their weapons on the table with fresh blood stains and flesh pieces, wondering what is in store for them in the future, now that they have eliminated the big man. Whatever happens, they decide to stay together. We are not shown the victim. This opening sets the premise for a gripping gangster drama for next 2