
(A poem by Diya Kiran, VI Grade) Image Credit: WikiCommons   The first word I pronounce Till my piggy bank, filled with every ounce Until my feet touched the ground Then my parents were spellbound The first time I was walked to school And the time my dad helped me jump in the pool The heavy bag I carried while climbing the stairs The excitement I received when my project



(A poem by Aadya Prasad, V Grade) Image Credit: WikiCommons A beautiful memory from the past Who knows long it will last 2 types of rides Wet and dry The green slide Which I like to call Ride of Doom Very fun but scary Last the color changing slide And the wave pool And the memory I can never forget  


A Beautiful Caterpillar

Image Credit: WikiCommons, WikiCommons (A poem by Diya Kiran, VI Grade) I go through pain Which is hard to explain Why is the second form of me the best This is way it makes me depressed   Why should there be change in me Which I totally disagree Am I so ugly you can’t take a glimpse Everyone’s good in their own way even the chimps   You may think


Summer – Precious Memories

Image Credit: WikiCommons The season right after  The chilly winter A beautiful occasion For a wonderful vacation Relaxing under the hot sun And having a whale of a time in the beach The season which you get yummy fruits Which are the best And when it ends it will be a precious memory  


Summer – Door to Fun

(A poem by Diya Kiran, VI Grade) Image Credit: WikiCommons The academic year ends So we buy clothes that trend A splash in the pool Look at ice-cream let your mouth drool   Let the harvest season begun Till the vegies are of a ton Seasonal fruits are stacked in our house Men it’s your duty to cut them up not your spouse   Let the door of fun open


My Family is a Bookshelf

(A poem by Aadya Prasad, V Grade)   My mom is the GK who knows everything My dad is the atlas Who locates any place you ask   My cousin is the joke book Whos jokes are very funny and sometimes stupid   My aunt is the cookbook Who always comes up with new recipes My uncle is the big math book Who solves any equation you ask   My


Shorts – Why the Energy industry is not every Capitalist’s dream

Image credit: wikipedia, Financial Express In a capitalistic society there perpetually exists a market for any type of commodity – be it in information technology, food, clothing, transport, art, entertainment, and food. All these fields are defined by cutting edge products, highly processed pieces of raw material that has been cut and changed to the way of our needs, and most importantly, the money to be made in these fields are


Rain never makes you sad

Rain (A poem by Aadya Prasad, V Grade) Image Credit: Rain is the best If it rains all night The next day will be Foggy and bright Rainy season is out of this world The way its falling makes my mind swirled The lightning sound is very powerful It can be dreadful Heavy rain is a wonderful sight Go jump in it with all your might Rain never makes


By Rain’s glory you might even become Hypnotic

Rain (A poem by Diya Kiran, VI Grade)  Image Credit: Wikicommons Rain is a beautiful part of nature Who knows if it will last till the future There is something enchanting to get drenched in rain When it crawls down from the head till your vein   It’s born when two clouds put up a fight Might it be a peculiar sight It fills up thirst for ponds and lakes


Vertigo and How I kicked the Aliens Out of My Head

Disclosure: This article also published within the organization I work for. Posted here with permission from organization. Invasion of the Body Snatchers: I still remember it vividly. It all started Sep 1, 2021, early morning. I get up to use the washroom, comeback and lie on the bed. As my head hit the pillow, ceiling started rotating, don’t exactly remember clockwise or anti-clockwise. It lasted for around 10-15 seconds. Got