COVID-19, WFH and Virus Attack Movies

Novel Corona Virus, COVID-19, doesn’t seem to be slowing down yet. With its special characteristics, it seems to be mutating fast. While this is highly concerning, what is more concerning is how it has captured the imagination of the population. Virus spreads faster through WhatsApp, as the joke goes. Thanks to WHO, international travel has been curtailed in most of the companies which has resulted in many big guys twiddling


Veil of Thoughts

(Author: Jay Ramalingam) As I stirred up from sleep, half awake Not ready to sit up yet Got lost for know not for how long… When I realized that The rhythm of my heart Whoosh of my breath Ticking wall clock Whirling ceiling fan Chirping bird outside Were not synchronous and yet Made a strange symphony Then I knew that my pointless thoughts Were veiling my precious reality Of me


Look! It is Majestic! (A short story)

(Author: Jay Ramalingam)                                                                      Source: Wikimedia Commons     I felt cramped inside the warm shell.  I started to wiggle and peck at the wall and it was really good to finally crack the shell so I can


How dare she? (A short Story)

(Author: Jay Ramalingam) Akilan came running from school very angry, barely able to control himself from crying out aloud. Mom was at their humble home getting ready to cook dinner. As she was carefully trying to sift away little stones and chaff from rice bought from the ration store, all she could hear was Akilan muttering ‘how could she? how dare she?’ Mom quietly asked, “What happened at school Akilan?”


Lost and Found (a short story)

(Author: Jay Ramalingam) Selvan was very thrilled about the neighborhood library that was about to open in the next few days. He was looking forward to spending a lot more time in the modern library that was coming up, to learn more about the wondrous world and ways of living well. Finally, the day arrived and Selvan went early to the 11 am library opening with a lot of anticipation.


Books that changed my perception

Thanks to Baradwaj Rangan (BR) for giving the idea for this blog post!! BR had a query to his readers on Books that changed you. I did call out the list of books that influenced me in his comments section. Here I am giving an elaborated version for your reading pleasure 😀 I grew up reading all kinds of magazines and books. During my school years, we got pretty much


In-flight Entertainment – Saviour in the skies

International flights are like marriage. First time, there is that thrill and excitement. Newness, freshness. New experience. As you keep flying more often, excitement wears off. With marriage, other commitments, and life changing events kick-in that keeps the marital relationship interesting. But with long duration flights, where it takes 20+ hours, it becomes an ordeal. As a person who has been taking international long-haul flights regularly, post few initial flights,


கவிதை தொகுப்பு – 2 – சௌம்யா

சின்னச் சின்ன சந்தோஷங்கள் அதிகாலை அமைதியில் அவசரமின்றி அமர்ந்து ஆற அமர குடிக்கும் சூடான காபி  எட்டு மணி பள்ளிக்கு எட்டி நடை போட்டு பள்ளியை எட்டியவுடன் வந்து கட்டிக்கொள்ளும் குட்டித்தங்கங்கள்  இரவுச்சாப்பாட்டுக்கு பனீர் பட்டர் மசாலா அறிந்தவுடன் என் பருவ மகன் முகத்தில் படரும் வெட்கம் கலந்த புன்னகை  காலை மாலை நேரம் பாராமல் கைத்தொலைபேசியில் கூப்பிட்டவுடன் என் அம்மாவின் கனிவான “சொல்லுடி சௌம்யா..”  காலை உணவை வாயில் அள்ளிப்போட்டு கைப்பையும் கணினிப்பையுமாய் காரில் ஏறி கிடைக்கும் பதினந்து நிமிடப் பயணத்தில் கொஞ்சமாய் பேசும் கணவனுடன் நெஞ்சாரக் கதைக்கும் குட்டிக் கதைகள்  இதமான இரவில் இயற்கையோடு கை


Musings – Jacinda Ardern, Sapiens

Listening to the news last 10+ days, I am of the opinion that we should add Jacinda Ardern to our PM choice list 😄 Jacinda Ardern’s response post Christchurch killings came as a ray of hope when the rest of the world political leadership is crumbling. What we usually hear from our political leadership, including ours, post an attack similar to this, is one of war rhetoric. We will hunt