When it rains, it pours. Lately there have been series of Kollywood movies with woman protagonists. A change for the positive. Less of toxic masculinity.

Game Over –  After a long time, got to see an original genre-hopping supernatural-revenge-horror-serial killer-videogame movie. Movie maintains the mood throughout, lighting, cuts, and music. Like Apoorva Sagodharargal movie sets up the bait with a serial killing, where the killer beheads the woman, kicks the head like a football, and burns her. Then it moves on to Swapna and Kalamma, where Swapna suffers from PTSD, afraid of dark. We get a sketchy back story about rape, and rapist getting jailed. Then the director switches gears to super-natural with immortal Inks, we get the story of Amudha, who is a 3 times cancer survivor. Could Amudha’s spirit entered Swapna through tattoo? Movie doesn’t explain, just leaves us with that possibility. And yes, Swapna is a video game designer and player. What if life is like a video game, where you get multiple lives, get to learn from your mistakes, and change your decision in next life? Then we have the serial killers with masks. We don’t see their faces, they don’t talk, and no backstory why they do it. Are they real, or inner demons, or metaphor for social evils? With all these possible angles, director keeps us guessing and does an excellent job of taking us through a thrilling ride seamlessly blending the genres. You will have lots of fun discussing various angles with your friends.

Official Trailer:

Aadai – what if one day you wake up and find yourself butt naked stuck in a building? Full of glass windows? Will you find your true self in that situation? Nangeli, a woman from 19th century Travancore, cut off her breasts to protest Mulakkaram, the oppressive breast-tax imposed on Ezhava castes. She killed herself in fight for freedom. Do we understand and exercise meaningfully that hard-won freedom? Interesting premise. Director has used the premise effectively for most part. When we find Kamini, the protagonist, in the naked situation, director doesn’t make it easy to feel for her. Kamini is not a likeable character. She is arrogant. Audacious. She runs a reality show an extreme version of Just for laughs where it can give someone a heart attack. Found the movie engaging. Loved the creativity in few scenes, staging of news reading scene where director teases us, Kamini holding a mirror to cover her and the boldness in using #Metoo event towards the end to show Kamini’s character transition. An interesting movie to get your imagination going, what you will do if you find yourself with no clothes 😁

Official Trailer:


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