(Author: Jay Ramalingam)

Do you hear the music or the vibrations that produce the music?
Do you see the table or the wood that makes up the table?
Do you inhale the life-nourishing air or the electrons and protons that make up oxygen?
Do you feel the emotions or the pattern of neuronal firings that cause emotions?
It is useful to enjoy harmonious music and yet perceive the causal vibrating energy in consonance, resonance and even in dissonance.
Silence, movements and music
It seems it is energy vibrations all the way down.
Vibrations of points and space all the way down the rabbit hole.
Vibes are playful energy and they always swing through the silence of the center…
Swing out left and up, back home to the center, swing out right and down, back home to the center and on.
Vibes have silence as reference, or even silence as the source potential!
Big bang of all vibes from out of silence.
Some vibes consonate and congregate together and make stable tunes.
Some vibes dissonate with some and find other vibes agreeable.
Some groups of tunes consonate and synthesize new music just as multiple ripples combine to make new patterns.
Music is movement…
causing interpenetrating continuous movements.
Music creating music
Every cell is an orchestra playing beautiful music out of component vibes consenting.
Orchestras of cells band together to make the organs of the body.
The body breathes the fluid tune of the air and walks on the fixed tune of the earth.
The body synthesizes representational music about the world on the magical internal stage called the mind.
Consonance in the body projects a happy tune in the mind and dissonance in the body causes the same in the mind.
Mind music heals the body out of dissonance or moves it into disturbance.
The creative mind is a stage for wonderful music synthesis out of perceived and remembered tunes.
Thoughts are synthesized music overpowering the mind and body or meandering along from one tune to next.
The human body can arrange the world to match the music created in the mind…
causing creative ripples in other minds.
Invitation to celebrate
Among all of life, humans are the most capable of tuning in, changing the tone and finding consonance with the rest of the world…
And perceiving the underlying truth of vibes even when the world and tide of time bring dissonance.
Celebrate the plurality of music of humans and the world, harmonious and cacophonous.
Rest firmly assured in the understanding of the unity underlying all music: dynamic vibes and silence.
(About the author: All too Human, Engineer, Leader, Seeker, Yoga Teacher, Ever the Student).