
Short Takes – Monsters, Virus, Kavaludaari, Uriyadi 2

Virus – From Mollywood, a highly engaging and moving film, based on incidents around Nipah virus. Similar to HBO series Chernobyl, story focuses on how doctors, nurses, Collector, health minister, rise to the occasion to control the spread of virus taking risks. While the movie progresses like a procedural investigation, the director does a brilliant job of giving us back stories of few characters, their personal struggles, that makes us

Fast Cuts – I am Mother, and Kumbalangi Nights

I am Mother – post apocalypse, continuation of humanity is in the hands of a robot. Movie setups the premise very nicely where we get to see a shielded shelter managed by a robot. Out of the embryos, one embryo gets picked by the robot to restart the humanity. Baby girl grows up to be an adult, named only as daughter. A robotic mother concept is used effectively to explore

Books that changed my perception

Thanks to Baradwaj Rangan (BR) for giving the idea for this blog post!! BR had a query to his readers on Books that changed you. I did call out the list of books that influenced me in his comments section. Here I am giving an elaborated version for your reading pleasure 😀 I grew up reading all kinds of magazines and books. During my school years, we got pretty much

When They See Us – Horrors of Injustice

Official Trailer: When They See Us Netflix series explores the human side of wrong conviction by justice system, suffering through jail term, not able to get a job and have a life after the release, and how the stigma continues to haunt them. Series is based on famous Central Park Five event that rocked USA in 1989. While the event happened in US, functioning of justice system, and social prejudices

Chernobyl – the Cost of Lies, Deception, and Suppression of Dissent

Official Trailer: What is the cost of lies is the central question Chernobyl asks in HBO miniseries (5 episodes). What sets this series apart is that it keeps the narration to human-centric, how the scientists, firemen, miners, soldiers, and physicians sacrificed their life, not all of them knew what they are getting in to, to contain the damage and saved lives. Director does show and nail how the political establishment

Fast Cuts – Lucifer and Intimate Strangers

Lucifer – movie starts with a promise and premise but loses steam as it progresses. Movie takes the time to introduce the characters, few characters are well etched, like Bobby, but most of the characters don’t realize their potential. Focus seems to be on style than substance. Mohanlal has a role which he could do in his sleep. Most of the movie he walks in slo-mo, we get repeated shots

In-flight Entertainment – Saviour in the skies

International flights are like marriage. First time, there is that thrill and excitement. Newness, freshness. New experience. As you keep flying more often, excitement wears off. With marriage, other commitments, and life changing events kick-in that keeps the marital relationship interesting. But with long duration flights, where it takes 20+ hours, it becomes an ordeal. As a person who has been taking international long-haul flights regularly, post few initial flights,

கவிதை தொகுப்பு – 2 – சௌம்யா

சின்னச் சின்ன சந்தோஷங்கள் அதிகாலை அமைதியில் அவசரமின்றி அமர்ந்து ஆற அமர குடிக்கும் சூடான காபி  எட்டு மணி பள்ளிக்கு எட்டி நடை போட்டு பள்ளியை எட்டியவுடன் வந்து கட்டிக்கொள்ளும் குட்டித்தங்கங்கள்  இரவுச்சாப்பாட்டுக்கு பனீர் பட்டர் மசாலா அறிந்தவுடன் என் பருவ மகன் முகத்தில் படரும் வெட்கம் கலந்த புன்னகை  காலை மாலை நேரம் பாராமல் கைத்தொலைபேசியில் கூப்பிட்டவுடன் என் அம்மாவின் கனிவான “சொல்லுடி சௌம்யா..”  காலை உணவை வாயில் அள்ளிப்போட்டு கைப்பையும் கணினிப்பையுமாய் காரில் ஏறி கிடைக்கும் பதினந்து நிமிடப் பயணத்தில் கொஞ்சமாய் பேசும் கணவனுடன் நெஞ்சாரக் கதைக்கும் குட்டிக் கதைகள்  இதமான இரவில் இயற்கையோடு கை