Source: en.wikipedia.org
Take a look at the picture of H.S.Doreswamy above. He is 102 years old. A freedom fighter who fought against British. Has gone to jail for the same. A freedom fighter from that era among our midst. Just the thought of someone from that era who actively participated in freedom movement, has stories to tell us, itself gives a great feel. But not to be so for the ruling government. This old man is being branded as a Spy, a Pakistani agent, and a fake freedom fighter. Why so much anger against him? So much venom? You may wonder he committed a big crime. All he did was to share his critical opinion on CAA and NRC. Just a difference of opinion, A dissent. That’s all. He is being branded as a threat to our Nation. Only thing pending is charging him with sedition.
Now let’s stop and think. Why such reaction from the party that is running the government. If they disagree all they need to do is make their counterpoints, right? All of us criticize government functioning day in and out, bad roads, potholes, power cuts, lack of drinking water supply, crowded hospitals, lack of medical care for children (we lose around 800000 children every year to diarrhea), increasing unemployment, education cost going up, economy slowing down, etc. But these criticisms don’t make a dent in them. Not so with CAA and NRC? We see a disproportionate reaction. Resorting to personal attacks and misuse of government machinery. Why? Anyone care to answer?