வெள்ளை யானை (White Elephant) – Book by B.Jeyamohan

  Every family has someone who will claim times were better under British before independence. They don’t have to be above 60 or 70 years of age. Even few youngsters mention it – they would have borrowed that opinion either from their elders or some ideological propaganda. Of course, now it is fashion to say bad things about Gandhi, and Nehru. Soon, Ambedkar will join the list of Gandhi and


ஏழாம் உலகம் (7th World) – Book by B.Jeyamohan

As per Indian subcontinent mythology, there are seven worlds below our feet – அதலம், விதலம், தலம், கபஸ்திமல், மகாதலம், சுதலம், பாதாளம். We get our food and water from there. We can’t see them. Similar to those seven worlds below us, are there worlds within our society we are not aware of? We see different classes of people daily but never stopped to ask how their life would look like. We may


Books that changed my perception

Thanks to Baradwaj Rangan (BR) for giving the idea for this blog post!! BR had a query to his readers on Books that changed you. I did call out the list of books that influenced me in his comments section. Here I am giving an elaborated version for your reading pleasure 😀 I grew up reading all kinds of magazines and books. During my school years, we got pretty much