The Power of the Dog: Bronco Henry told me that a man was made by patience and the odds against him

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The Power of the Dog falls in the bucket of movies where I fell on the other side of the critics. Critics loved it…but I found the movie a good watch but not on par with director Jane Campion’s earlier outing The Piano (1993). Movie does have an impressive cast, topnotch performance, beautiful cinematography, location, and images. There is a minimalistic approach to the narration, long and lingering shots, less dialogues and drama, cut down to the bare minimum. You feel an unsettling tension, you can’t put a finger on it, and the climax makes you revisit and piece together the earlier events and hints to unravel the mystery.

Don’t Look Up: Not everything needs to sound so clever, or charming, or likeable all the time. Sometimes we need to just be able to say things to one another. We need to hear things.

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Don’t look Up is a socio-political satire on the current situation that begs the question: when the world is in danger of getting annihilated, who do we trust and listen to – our politicians, tech billionaires, or scientists / experts? Adam McKay uses the oncoming comet as a stand-in for the global warming, climate change, the virus. While the movie comes across as lighthearted satire, peel the top layer, it is a truthful and chilling portrayal of people who have the largest control over our lives, there misplaced agendas, and priorities. While it is set in USA, situation is pretty much the same in many countries including ours, India. Politicians care more about upcoming elections and poll results than saving humans from a comet. Media cares about sensationalism, high profile break-ups, and Big-Boss than serious discussions on topics that matters to people. Billionaires are after profit and even in an extinction threat come up with plans to make money out of planet destroying comet. It is so close to home that it depresses us…. how helpless it makes us feel…. seeing no way out of incompetent, shallow, perverse government, and the media. Impressive cast line up raises the interest level and one can play mapping the characters they portray to real-life personalities. Don’t look up may look like a parody on politicians, billionaires, and media but the last laugh is on us, it holds a mirror to us, how stupid, foolish, and insignificant we are. This thought scares the most and something we need to confront – as a society when we will start listening to scientists and experts, go by facts rather than driven by ideology, prejudices, and beliefs.


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