
IR and MR – my journey

IR celebrated his 77th birthday June 2, 2020. Even though I wanted to write about him, I held back since I don’t have anything new to say about them. IR has been in the industry for more than 40+ years. His life has been pretty much an open book, meaning, everyone from last 3 generations of people from South India know about him. So much has been written about him.

ஒரே ஒரு முறை சுவாசித்துக் கொள்கிறேன் – சௌம்யா

ஜடப்பொருட்கள் வாங்கும் பொழுது நிறத்தில் பேதம் பார்க்காத நீ அரிதான பிறப்பான மானிடப் பிறப்பில் நிற பேதம் பார்த்ததேன் ஒரே ஒரு முறை சுவாசிக்கத்தானே அவன் கேட்டான் உன் சொத்தையா கேட்டான் சுவாசித்தல் இயற்கையின் நியதி சுவாசித்தல் அவன் பிறப்புரிமை அதை மறுத்தது உன் கீழ்மை சுற்றி நின்று வேடிக்கைப் பார்த்தது ஒரு கூட்டம் அவற்றை மனிதன் என்று கூறுவதில் பெறும் வெட்கம் தன் இனத்திற்கு தீங்கு என்றால் கொதித்து எழும் விலங்கினம் உன் சதை கூட ஆட மறுத்ததே மனிதனே நீ ஈனம் உன் குருதியுன் சிவப்பு தான் அவன் குருதியும் சிவப்பு தான் அகத்துனுள் உறையும்

Ponmagal Vandhal – A could have been movie

Official trailer: Imagine this. You have a storyline that looks interesting and good. Core conflict is gripping. You are given a bunch of good actors, well established names in the field, Parthiban, Bhagyaraj, Prathap Pothan, Thiagarajan, and Pandiarajan. Plus, Jyotika who gives the star value and pull factor. You have seen Few good Men, impressed by its court scenes and key plot points, want to use it in the movie

When the building is weakening the foundation…

(Author: Jay Ramalingam) Gray musings during the Corona crisis Source: Wiki Commons What do you do, when the building is weakening the foundation? when the paint is scarring the canvas? What do you do, when the clothing is burning the skin? when the medicine is corroding the stomach? What do you do, when roughshod ‘progress’ breaks your compass? when thrashing gets you deeper into the sand? What do you do,

COVID – India, fault lines, and failed leaders

இரந்தும் உயிர்வாழ்தல் வேண்டின் பரந்துகெடுக உலகியற்றி யான் – Thirukural – #1062 (Translation: If the Creator of the world has decreed even begging as means of livelihood, may he too go abegging and perish) NOTE 1: Creator in current context can refer to those who govern or in power. NOTE 2: Be warned….following is a rant…wanted to put it in writing and vent it out.  This is what happens when you feel

கோவிட் கவிதை – சௌம்யா

                                                   போன்சாய்                     Top: Source: The Guardian                    Source: Aljazeera தன்னுலகைத் தவிர்த்து மறு பாதி உலகின் நடைமுறை அறியா பொருளாதாரத்தின் உச்சத்தில் வாழும் மேல்தட்டு மக்களின் மெத்தகு மாடி வீட்டின் பாங்கான பால்கனியிலிருந்து போன்சாய் வைத்தால்

Lost Girls – Disturbing True Crime Drama with no closure

Official Trailer: Lost Girls follows Mari Gilbert (excellent performance by Amy Ryan), a mother of 3 daughters, who works multiple jobs to take care of two younger daughters who live with her. Her elder daughter, Shannan, goes missing one night. Mari realizes something bad may have happened to Shannan when calls to her go to voicemail. There was a 911 call from Shannan on that night from a gated community

COVID-19, WFH and Tamil Thriller Movies – Part 3

Link to Part 2: COVID-19, WFH, and Virus Attack Movies COVID-19, doesn’t seem to be slowing down yet. India has extended the lockdown for 2 more weeks till May 3, 2020. If you are WFH, make sure you stick to fixed time. With commute time saved, great opportunity to spend time with the family, and do things you have been postponing to later time (assuming they don’t need you to

Momminess and Universal Love

(Author: Jay Ramalingam) I sometimes call my wife ‘Her Momminess’. You don’t really need to be a mother or even a woman to have momminess in patterns of your feelings, emotions, words and behaviors. And, of course, there are degrees of momminess. You have momminess if you can intensely feel for your family as a whole unit as much as you can feel your own personal pains and pleasures. A

Sethum Aayiram Pon – Death is in air with grace

Official Trailer: Sethum Aayiram Pon I hit upon this movie in Netflix two days back, I was little bit wary of watching this considering the title, a reference to death, and COVID-19 crisis we are going through. Synopsys sounded interesting so dived in. I expected a tear jerker. But I was in for a pleasant surprise. Director Anand Ravichandran ventures in to a subject Kollywood avoids. Most of the characters’