
Petta – A full length Rajni entertainer

[SPOILERS AHEAD…] Official trailer: It is a great fun to see vintage Rajni walk the screen with his signature swag, and hear his magnetic and mesmerizing voice and dialogue delivery. After a long gap, we get a Rajni who is fully relaxed and he rocks us with his mischievous streak. Add to this peppy BGM that elevates the mood of the film, the first half just zips through. Director Karthik

கவிதை தொகுப்பு – 1 – சௌம்யா

மேகம் மனதில் இடியும் மின்னல்களும் மேகத்தை போல் மேகம் மனமிரங்கி மழை பெய்து குளிர்வித்தது மண்ணையும் மனதையும் வானம் வஞ்சனையின்றி வர்ணஜாலம் காட்டும் வானம் இந்த வஞ்சியின் நெஞ்சத்தைக் கிளறிவிட்டு வேடிக்கை பார்க்கிறது முரண் மாலை நேர உடற்பயிற்சி நடைபாதையில் பாதங்கள் நடந்தன… என் மனதில் எண்ணங்கள் ஓடின… கவிதை *க*ண்ணால் காண்பதையும் காதால் கேட்பதையும் *வி*னோத எண்ணங்களையும் *தை*ப்பதோ க வி தை? மயக்கம் மயங்கியது மனம் தேன் பாயும் இசையிற்கா தேன் சிந்தும் மலரின் மணத்திற்கா?   அழகி உன்னழகைக்கண்டு வெட்கத்தில் முகம் மூட வெண்மேகத்திரையில்லை வெண்ணிலாவின் வருத்தம் வேகத்தடை மழை மிதிவண்டி மனப்போராட்டம் மழையில்

25 Years of Amaidhipadai and Mahanadhi

If someone makes a list of top Tamil movies, I can tell you that high probability you will find both Amaidhipadai and Mahanadhi in that list. Both were released in 1994. Both have gone on to become movies we still remember and talk about irrespective how they did at BO when they got released. Both are in my favorite movies list. Amaidhipadai tracks the life of Amavasai who from being

Movies I liked from 2018 watched list

It is always fun to look back on the year that has gone by and list the movies that made it to your top list from the movies you watched. My list includes not just the movies that got released in 2018 but also movies I caught up with from my watchlist, movies I missed from earlier years. I am not a fan of ranking the movies. So, the movies

Merku Thodarchi Malai – Excellent Visual Show and Tell Cinema where the Tell is left to the audience

Official movie trailer: Since the movie never got a release in Bangalore, had to wait for it to show up in a streaming site. So, the delayed writeup – it showed up on Netflix, I guess beginning of this year. Considering the payoff, it is worth the wait. This is one of the best movies of 2018, along with Pariyerum Perumal these two movies stand way ahead of all other

Knife in the gut series – Muran – Sujata

What triggers a change in behavior of a person who follows a routine for past 25 years? A change that is in contradiction? An anomaly. In our life we see that many times. Some are minor, some major, making us wonder, is this the same person we knew. Some are known changes that happens as a person gets older that is attributed to midlife crisis. Mostly those are either change

2.0 – an impressive 3D VFX spectacle that would have worked great with better writing

Official Trailer: It is a goosebumps moment as each letter of Super Star rolled in 3D in the title sequence. From the title sequence till the end, 3D worked with effective use of depth and I found 2.0 to be much better than many Hollywood 3D fares. After initial 3D euphoria, I switched to 2D version since with 3D I felt either lighting to be dull or subjects appear smaller

Sabarimala – A rest stop in The Journey or destination

Long Read.   The World has never yet seen a truly great and virtuous nation because in the degradation of woman the very fountains of life are poisoned at their source –       Lucretia Mott, an abolitionist, social reformer What should have ended up as an outstanding statement to the world has become a ground for political vote bank battle. Just imagine, for a second, what a moment it could have

India Growth Story – Progress, Myths, Looking Ahead – 4 of 5

Link to India Growth Story – Progress, Myths, Looking Ahead – 3 of 5 So far, covered Life expectancy, IMR, Child Mortality Rate, Immunization, Maternal Deaths, Birth Rate, Total Fertility Rate, and Population in earlier installments. Let’s take a look at Literacy rate, Access to Electricity, and Gender Parity in this Part. Education and literacy are other key indicators that needs to progress along with health. Literacy rate, adult literacy